Thursday, January 29, 2009
Twitter: A Bubble of Insignificance ?
'Mick's Plan for world Domination':
"For a while I thought it might be the Douglas Adams like spaceship of hairdressers scenario (substitute INTERNET marketers or even awkward Internet writers/wafflers like me) where everyone jabbers away incessantly about our collective common stuff of no importance to anyone else outside our bubble of insignificance"
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
History of the internet - nicely techy & visually crisp
Melih Bilgil, a German Visual Artist from Mainz, created it using 'Picol icons. (available here)
Pretty cool story of how the net evolved.
Sir Tim Berners Lee fans might have something to say about it though.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Yes, I am very very safe..... but these guys
This video has had 1.6 million views and after adding one more to that number, I can understand why.... it's awe inspiring. Watching these guys, boy I'm just a big ole scaredy cat
wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Digital Homage or Theft ? Blu's original and innovative work a sign of the times ?

After seeing their advert/insert on my telly, I was more than slightly reminded of an earlier post of mine here before I remembered that I'm not actually a British tv license payer, I got an urge to fire an email or snail mail off to the BBC.
I wanted to offload a diatribe about ownership of ideas, the unattributed regurgitation and repositioning of someone else's work, the blatant theft of craft, all those utterly repugnant additional activities that a genuinely creative individual finds utterly repulsive; weird worming around the potential theft using semi-complex language, justifying by deflection, the usual mechanisms of evasion such as denial by omission - If I don't say it up front, then it might be missed and I might get the kudos for this iinovation.
I'm interested in such things, I did explore that very idea in one of my own digital fiction works called : Bob Casio's Dead Cameraman - a hopefully obvious reference to Boccaccio 's seminal work. (it looks old, it looks badly designed and its meant to for perhaps not immediately obvious reasons.) I even set up a blog back in June of last year where I might further explore those ideas about theft or homage... occasionaly I post to it.
Now the thing is this, I happen to become aware that Chris Reed and Gerel Orgil have both written excellent blogs on this very same subject so let me just direct you towards their posts which explore this question in a perhaps less emotive (& therefore less potentially actionable way).
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Unseen Stolen tellings
from my lovable happy head to this:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Mechanical Mindfook
Summer Glau in the Sarah Connor Chronicles, now this mechanical German Lady at the end, Should I be worried about the evolution of my affinity to female metal.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Believing my twittering was simply inappropriate.
Since the afternoon of Jan 7th, my full attention has been with my wife and children, my extended family, close friends and those kind and generous people who shared their time, sympathy and support with my wife’s family. At such times of loss and grief, twitter, technology, PCs and pretty much everything except family and friends, become superfluous and totally fade from view. Now that those sad events have passed, should it simply be back to business as usual for me?
I’ve become a big twitter fan and have been very fortunate in terms of followers and consequent networks of their followers and friends, I tend to use twitter a bit like an occasional asynchronous delicious but with added humanity + pretty much instant interaction – my twitter stream is a tremendous way to explore common interests and I’m fortunate to be offered daily insights, advice and direction into various areas that interest me. (Which I may get to list in my next post)
My own use of twitter, is entirely and totally non-commercial, I haven’t anything to sell anyone and yet I can see my (clevercelt on-line persona ) non standard sorta smart arse identity starting to conform to various marketing models of ‘personality brands’ which kinda scares me a bit.
Let me be 100% honest, as a writer and digital creative, I’m sure I may eventually get around to producing something of value to others at some point that may need to be externally funded, financed or in other ways have creation costs paid. The easiest way to do that is to maybe ask people to buy some kind of end product or invest in a business plan. Yet there is more than likely an even better way. If and when the time comes I’ll ask my twitter friends and followers about all that.
Twitter is just riddled with advice about how to sell stuff, whether through social media marketing, affiliate programs or whatever, for me that’s irrelevant or so far into the future as to not be a consideration. Yet that knowledge, experience and wisdom (Can you be wise about marketing Mick?, yup course you can) feeds my twitter stream with intelligence, insight, cleverness and so many generous people, sharing links, advice, across so many areas, these generous folk are my own personal pile of polymaths.
I follow a lot of people who are writers, creators, editors, designers who are transitioning from traditional to new media, I follow experienced social media users, those versed and proficient in traditional and digital literacy, I follow people who make stuff, people who dream and I follow a lot of people who ‘believe’. What exactly they believe differs from one to the next but all have some kinda faith in common, even those that believe that traditional beliefs have no attraction, these I follow for their conviction and honesty.
I follow funny tweeple, clued in tweeple, buzzed and vibed tweeple and sometimes just sitting back and observing the collective creativity of these tweeple fills me with belief in People.
I’m just not a volume tweeter, I have shed loads of stuff to do daily, I do tend to offer answers to people in DMs and also try to help out where I can without actually broadcasting that fact, I’m delighted that despite my enforced absence, my own followers have stayed with me, I think only ten or so of my 1400 plus followers actually stopped following in the last five days.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Shut the F.U.N.K. (Fairly Unneccessary Negative Karma) UP from clevercelt on Vimeo.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Nicked from Shannon Paul
Lip Dub - Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger from amandalynferri on Vimeo.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Goodbye to all that

He has been the standard bearer of stupidity, cheerleader of the criminally incompetent, Icon of Idiocracy, it took eight years of pain and suffering on a global scale, but he eventually proved that dumbing down doesn’t work, and with his demise the value of stupidity and ignorance has once again declined. Bad Simple ideas are no longer in vogue, Let’s all take the time to celebrate, understand and maybe consider complexity again.

The end of 2008 saw greed and money join stupidity and avarice in going out of fashion, the obsolete hoarding empires and empirical reasoning are failing to function. In the coming Obama era, a European and Asian economic depression, new leaps of faith must be made, trust rebuilt, changes to how things are done, changes to how things are thought about, its all about change again and somehow seeing and doing beyond economics and fiscal rascality, Captain Picard like on a mission to boldly…